Past Projects
French project - RESIIST (Resilience of Interconnected Infrastructures and Systems - Since 2019): It addresses the issues of resilience assessment of critical infrastructures guaranteeing the security of territories. Examples of critical infrastructure include power generation and distribution systems, water, gas, health services, banking, state (schools, laboratories, town halls, courts), or companies producing goods and services (industries, agribusiness, public services).
The term “resilience” is here-defined as “the ability of an infrastructure to interact with other infrastructures and its environment in order to fulfill its missions and provide the expected services while facing different risks”. Risk is used in the sense of a feared event (natural disaster, terrorist attack,
internal dysfunction).
European project - ARTiST (Advanced software-based seRvice provisionning and migraTIon of legacy SofTware - 2014-2016): I principally worked on Java to UML and Java to FUML (Foundational UML) model transformations, with various european researchers and engineers, notably the BIG (Business Informatic Group) team of the Vienna University of Technology, and the NaoMod (Nantes Software Modeling) team of the Mines school of Nantes.
French project - TEAP (TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Platform - 2012-2014): This work was a part of my master degree internship in the AtlanMod research team, but i also continue to work on it when i became an engineer in this team. It was about model injections and transformations for the TOGAF norm from Open Group. I have worked with the Obeo and Naval Group french companies.
French navy projects: During 4 years, i was a developer in the french navy, and i have worked on various projects, principally on human resources ones.