Ansys System Architecture Modeler (SAM - Current): As an R&D engineer, I'm currently working on the implementation of Ansys SAM, which enables the collaborative design of complex system architectures using the SysML standard. Contributions focus on requirements traceability, architectural analysis and design iteration management.
GenMyModel modeling platform (Past): I have worked on the GenMyModel project. The main features of this modeling platform are an online design of standard-compliant models, real-time "google-doc like" collaborative modeling, model versioning, model traceability, code generation, and scalability for the management of very large models. GenMyModel is used to cover different aspects of a system based on standards such as UML for software modeling, BPMN for business process modeling, Archimate for business modeling, and others. This platform relies mainly on EMF (Eclipse Modeling Platform).
The repositories are private, but a project presentation is available here.
RESIIST project (Past)
Digital Twin demonstrator: this POC (proof of concept) allows to put in practice the Digital Twin concept. It is a client of the Genmymodel modeling platform, and currently allows the continuous integration of system data into models in order to monitor and measure a system's resilience to disruptive events.
Thesis (Past) - During it, i worked on two engines which can be found on the Caramel research team website :
Aspectual template engine: suite of Eclipse plugins for specifying and applying UML Aspectual templates in the Eclipse environment. It includes original and advanced facilities like binding inference. Explained in a journal paper (SoSyM) on Aspectual templates and in my thesis.
Submodel engine: this software is an extensible engine for the Eclipse environment (extensibility through plugins). It allows computing several kind of inclusion and typing relationships between models, according to the poset formalism. Described in two journal papers on submodels (SoSyM) and partially in my thesis.