Currently, i am a R&D engineer at the Ansys company, at the Lille Office.
Main studied questions and/or implemented features concern: collaborative modeling, model versioning, model reuse, digital twins.
Previously, I was :
An R&D engineer at the former Axellience company, at Lille.
I have predominantly been involved in the implementation of a collaborative modeling platform, named GenMyModel, where a presentation can be found here.
A PhD student at the CRIStAL Laboratory (UMR CNRS 9189) of the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille 1, France. I have done my thesis under the supervision of Prof. JM Geib and Dr. Gilles Vanwormhoudt.
I was (and i still am) particularly interested by: model-driven engineering, parameterized models, model evolution and versioning, model transformation languages, object-oriented programming.
An engineer in a research team, formerly headed by Prof. Jordi Cabot (AtlanMod).
I have mainly worked on model transformation, notably using the ATL tranformation language.
A student at the University of Sciences and Techniques of Nantes, where i completed my master's thesis with Prof. Jordi Cabot and Dr. Brunelière.
My work has primarily focused on Software evolution issues via software reverse-engineering and by defining rules and mechanisms (model discovery and transformations) for governance and modernization.
A developer in the French Navy.
Hence, i have worked on various research and engineering projects, on different platforms and technologies. To have a global view of this, see my curriculum, or my linkedin account.
My office is located at the Ansys France company.
4, avenue des
59160 Lille - France